Meet the Founding Partners



Many of our current patients have been counting on us for their dental health since visiting a young Dr. Bassett in his first office in Aurora started over 50 years ago. And, today we are proud to provide care to their children and grandchildren. The rest, as we say, is history. Our history.

Dr. John Bassett moved to Colorado in 1967 to begin his career in private dentistry. In October of 1968 he began our practice in a small converted home in southeast Aurora. Dr. Bassett knew he wanted to evolve his practice of dentistry, so it could become much more than a focus on cleaning teeth and filling cavities. After considerable thought, he coined the term ‘Comprehensive Dentistry’ and developed a practice centered around comprehensive dental care that promoted better health.

In 1980 Dr. Gerry Wallace joined Dr. Bassett’s rapidly growing practice after leaving his military career in the U.S. Airforce. Dr. Bassett and Wallace remained partners for over 30 years before their retirement in 2014 and 2015 respectively. The values of Drs. Bassett and Wallace continue to inspire us today. We are always improving our methods, technology, techniques, and knowledge. It’s the best way that we can continue to fully serve our patients and influence our industry. Our goal has always been to provide our patients with a comfortable and comprehensive dental experience where working together we can improve lives and health.