What are Dental Crowns?

What Are Dental Crowns?

Our teeth serve us well every day. However, over time things can happen, a tooth can crack, break, or become discolored. Teeth and fillings age and can fail in a multitude of ways. Also, crowns can be used on top of an implant. That’s where dental crowns can help. Dental crowns are tooth shaped “caps” that are placed and cemented over a tooth.

Dental crowns are produced in a variety of materials, such as gold, porcelain, ceramic, stainless steel and composite resin. While gold can last longest, porcelain most closely resembles the color and texture of your actual teeth. The material choice is usually an individual preference though it can be influenced by allergies and dental factors. Your doctor will be able to discuss the benefits of each type of material with you and help make the right decision.

What Can a Dental Crown Do For Me?

  • Improve the look of broken, cracked, or severely discolored teeth.
  • Crowns can work with implants to replace missing teeth or help secure a bridge.
  • Crowns made of porcelain or composite resin look the most like natural teeth.
  • Crowns made of porcelain are stain resistant.
  • Crowns can last between five to fifteen years with good oral hygiene.
  • Because crowns are cemented over your tooth or implant, it isn’t likely to slip or shift.

The Dental Crown Procedure

Make an Appointment | The first step is to see your dentist to examine and evaluate your situation. They will determine if you’re a candidate for dental crowns and if there are additional services needed prior to crown placement. X-rays may be required.
Choose Traditional or E4D Crowns | Traditional crowns may take several weeks to produce and require a temporary crown placement. Using our E4D system we can many times create the crown the same day.


Traditional | Anesthesia may be necessary. Your tooth will be reshaped; an impression will be taken of the tooth, and sent to our in-house laboratory where we will create the crown. From the impression a temporary crown is created. Once the permanent crown is complete, you’ll return for a follow-up visit, the permanent crown will be placed, checked for fit and color, and cemented into place.
E4D System | Anesthesia may be necessary. Your tooth will be reshaped and a laser scanner will be used to create a digital impression of your tooth. The system will create a virtual model of the tooth and it will be fabricated by our lab in approximately 60 to 90 minutes. Once completed, the crown will be placed, checked for fit and color, and cemented into place.

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